Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The boring meta-blogging post

I read blogs. This is how I know that Brian from OH-12, one entry on my very short list of blogs, is now also part of the replacement team at Plunderbund, also on that short list.

Other people also read blogs. This is why we can tend to converge on the same subjects.

Apparently, some people are reading this blog, which I discovered by the strangest of accidents. On Buckeye State Blog, while looking for links to more Ohio blogs to steal from keep abreast of, I came across a rather silly spat exchange between the propietors there and the writer of a blog called As Ohio Goes. I got curious about what could cause BSB such irritation. Imagine my surprise when I surfed over to As Ohio Goes and found myself blogrolled. This morning, when I went back, I even found nice things being said about Blue Bexley.

I'm sold. There's a new link on the right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. That was a rather silly spat at BSB. Sometimes they happen :-) I need to learn to walk away from the keyboard more! hehe

Anyways, I am emjoying your site.