Saturday, May 10, 2008

Redfern Names Two New Superdelegates - Updated

I'm blogging the State Party Meeting/Convention today (maybe I'll run into Nick from BSB...). After a slow start, a couple of big stories. I'll post in a minute about the official kicking of Marc Dann to the curb, but first, Party Chair Chris Redfern has named, and the party approved, the two "add-on" unpledged (super) delegates from Ohio:

Dave Reagan
William Craig Bashein

I'm told they will stay neutral, just like Chris Redfern.

Update: There appears to have been a possible misunderstanding (possibly mine, possibly not) - Once the delegates have been named, there is no injunction on them to stay neutral (in fact, as I reported elsewhere, at least one is almost certainly not neutral). I've heard but can't confirm that the delegates were chosen to be collectively neutral, which implies that Bashein is a likely Clinton supporter. I'm sure others will follow this up more thoroughly.

If anyone knows anything else about these guys, let me know.

1 comment:

David said...

Dave Reagen is president of SEIU District 1199 and the other guy is a lawyer.